Wednesday 25 August 2010

Life After Boulia - Middleton - Kynuna - McKinlay - July 2010



Well we left dusty Boula and drove to the Middleton Hotel which lies between Boulia & Winton (194km); it was just as dusty here and quite strong head & cross winds were a battle of power in the tow tug against mother nature, added to this was the odd road train.


Middleton pub is on of those top 30 Queensland pubs I keep mentioning and this one is the only stop in town; it is in the Camps 5 or earlier book for free camping and it did get quite a few in later in the day. The free camp sits directly opposite the pub and they have a sign up calling it “Hilton Hotel”; if you do end up this way make sure you call in or even camp over the road. Whilst we were there a single seat mustering helicopter landed next to the pub and the guy went in for some supplies and then took off over the roadway, interesting to see all this unfold.




The Middleton pub taken from over the road at the free camping area




The Hilton Hotel sign; you may struggle to read what's written at the bottom of it but it says “No Air conditioning, No TV, No Pool, No Charge”.




The main road that runs in and out of Middleton; even Linda was able to cross this road without holding my hand for fear of getting run over.




Inside the pub is a strange set up as when you walk in the door if you turn right you are in the owners lounge room with the kids, dog and TV or turning left puts you in the bar. Apart from beer, wine (limited) and soft drink the pub does have a few spirits but best not ask for a Bloody Mary or Strawberry Daiquiri, you may get chucked out.




Everyone at the free camp over the road from the pub; the pub meals were not too bad, Lin had pie, chips & gravy for $6.50; I had a beer, piss & look around ($5).




Left Middleton towards Winton to get fuel; we did not stop here but turned north and headed to Kynuna for the Blue Healer pub & caravan park. Obviously it is not much of a park but a great little stop; the price was $15 per night with power & (good) water connected to the van. The amenities were okay from a blokes perspective but Linda opted to use the shower in the van.


One couple were staying there after being up north for 2 months; he told me that on the way up he paid $10 now on the way back it was $15, so much for increases based on the current CPI!!!




The Blue Healer pub and before you ask yes it is in the top 30; I can't have too many more to do, shame really as it would be nice if there was a top one hundred. I may make up my own list.




The sign above was when our Son John & partner Marie passed through here with our 3 granddaughters Ruth, Shandelle & Karly in June 06. He told us he had written on the wall but when you go inside the pub there is not one area of roof or wall left to write on so finding it was difficult. We added Nana & Poppy and The DavLin Rig to it for the photo.




The wall of hats inside the Blue Healer.




And for the blokes quite a number of bras we scattered around the walls; would have been a great place to be when some of this sort of stuff was happening.




We rolled into McKinlay after leaving Kynuna for Cloncurry; we did not overnight here just stopped for a couple of pictures. Not much here just the pub and van park and a service station.




The sign that advertises the Walkabout creek hotel & van park.




With McKinlay only being a short distance from Kynuna the pub was not open when we arrived (much to my disgust) so we could only get a picture of the outside, we did not want to hang around until opening time.


It's now of to Cloncurry where we are stopping for a while; Joe & Glenys are bringing the bus out for a few days break from the farm so we will spend more time with them before heading off to our next destinations. Our next stops will be the Bourke & Wills roadhouse, Gregory Downs, Adels Grove and Lawn Hill National Park.


Hope you all are well and enjoy this post; until next time take care and if you are travelling do it safely.


Love & warm regards –  David & Linda –  The DavLin Rig